During last years I have accumulated dozens of dip pen drawings that I would like to exhibit someday —some of them are quite nice, to be honest— and I though about getting some picture frames and start experimenting with displays. However, nearly all frames I’ve seen in malls and photo shops of Thailand are beyond ugly, including all Japanese brands that usually deliver slightly better designs —sort of kawaii–minimal— at budget prices (Vietnam-made). Ikea has some better frames, but I still could not find anything that adapted to my drawings the way I want. Years have taught me that the universe wants you to be lazy and, if you want things to be done, you must be picky and even stubborn at some extent.
That is why I decided to start making my own picture frames by ordering wood in Lazada. I finally got my first batch of drawings framed and the results are looking promising. It looks quite obvious that I am not a carpenter, but I do like the handmade feeling and, most importantly, how they enhance the pen work of the pictures. More to come soon …